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Laurie A. Bell 

Reiki Master/Teacher - Intuitive - Spiritual Adviser

Finding a practitioner that you can trust and feel comfortable with is so important! If you feel a connection to me, great; I’m here when you’re ready. If you don’t, I encourage you to keep looking!

Working With Me

I believe an innate intelligence resides inside each cell in your body. This intelligence is the same intelligence that creates and runs the Universe. When activated, it can bring about peace, joy, and healing.


Everything you need to thrive is inside of you, waiting to be brought forward; you can accomplish anything you desire with commitment and support.

It’s my passion to teach others how to tap into this incredible source, navigate the tough times, and activate their powerful choice-making system.

When I work with someone, I listen to their story and words and sense the unspoken things behind what they have to say. I assist them in bringing forth the real issues and help them find ways to acknowledge and express their true feelings in a healthy way. I give them permission to feel the way they feel, no matter how dark and ugly they think it is. I help them clear and move through the heavy stuff that’s holding them back.

I have a childlike interest in why things are the way they are. That, paired with my intuitive and empathic side, allows me to sense what others might not see or be aware of; this helps me help people identify what’s really going on.
Honesty, integrity, and getting to the truth of the matter are important to me, along with kindness and compassion. These values reflect how I want to live my life and how I treat others.

If you work with me, you can expect to hear truth delivered with kindness… and perhaps some humor sprinkled in.

Image by Noah Silliman

My Story

I grew up in the seventies when kids played barefoot in the street, rode their friends on the handlebars, got up at 5 am on Saturday to watch cartoons, played in the mud, and had to be in the house when the streetlights came on.

I climbed trees, put on shows in my carport, played mermaid or Jaws in the pool, became a Solid Gold dancer in my living room, hula hooped for hours, pretended to be a reporter, and wrote stories that I never shared with anyone.

I was dyslexic, empathic, intuitive, and creative. I could see and hear things, knew things I shouldn’t have known, and was overwhelmed by the feelings and emotions of others. I felt scared, alone, different, and weird. I didn’t understand other kids, and they didn’t understand me; hell, the adults didn’t even understand me.  I felt lost in a world I didn’t fit into.
Not understanding my abilities, I went through life not setting boundaries, absorbing everyone’s pain, over-relating to other people’s feelings, which overrid mine, isolating myself, and blaming myself for everything to make others feel better.
In my late twenties, the pain I was feeling on the inside began showing up in my physical body, and by my mid-thirties, I was losing myself.

Our family chiropractor pulled me aside, expressed his concern for me, and suggested that I see a hypnotherapist. That referral set me on a path of discovery that led me to a Reiki class. I had no clue what Reiki was, but I knew I had to go. That class changed my life! It showed me who I am and what I’m about and helped me find my way back to me.  ​​

Image by Noah Silliman

My Interests

I joke that my life goal is to become a hermit. It’s only slightly a joke. I love being at home and look forward to my time alone. I once took a month off and only left the house three times to get food. It was great!

I love piddling around the house in my day-jammies cleaning and organizing things; yes, I’m one of those. It’s a walking meditation of sorts, allowing me to become completely present with a task. The Buddhists practice task-oriented presence. You don’t wash the dishes to have clean dishes, you wash dishes simply to wash dishes. It teaches you not to need an outcome but to simply be where you are. 

I’ve always had an interest in film—not just as entertainment or something to pass the time, but deeper, a reverence for an art form. As a kid, going to the movies was so exciting!! When I got a little older, I kept a calendar of release dates. I would save money and walk to the theater on Fridays to catch the new releases.

I love storytelling and have dabbled with screenplay writing and fiction writing. I was fortunate to make a few short films, one of which was in the Phoenix Film Festival and the Film Stock Film Festival. There is something cathartic about being on set and watching your story come to life. I hope to do more film work and would like to complete a novel.

In my free time, I watch movies and shows, listen to music, write, read, do yoga, study, sew, make crafts, do puzzles, build websites, occasionally do some video editing, and hang out with my crazy bunch of rescue animals that make me laugh, and drive me crazy.  And… naps… Of course. Who doesn’t like naps?

Image by Noah Silliman

My Training

2004: Reiki Level I & II certification training.

2005: Clinical Hypnosis certification training

2008: Reiki Master/Teacher certification training.


2009: Mind Body Spirit practitioner certification training.


2010: Life Coach certification training.

2017: Basic & Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique certification training.


I feel honored when someone opens up and trusts me with their deepest parts. I learn something new with each client that I work with.​

"When one teaches, two learn." ~ Robert Heinlein.
Image by Noah Silliman

My Reiki Lineage

Mikao Usui

Dr. Chujiro Hayashi

Hawaya Takata

Phyllis Lei Furumoto

Patrick Zeigler

Janelle Kay

Jane Santasareire

Ranae Johnson

Lynell Beckstrom

Glenda Horning

Laurie A. Bell

Image by Noah Silliman

"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading" ~Lau Tzu

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