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Reiki Therapy

A Reiki Therapy Session promotes relaxation, clears energy channels, balances chakras, corrects disturbances, and activates the body’s natural healing process to restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

 “Reiki is the art of inviting happiness into your mind and body, and the belief that the universe is alive and filled with energy.” ~Mikao Usui

You are likely very familiar with your physical body.

You were taught about this part of you from the moment you were born. You know how to feed and bathe the body. You know when it’s tired or hurt. You shower, brush your teeth, and rest when you are tired. You may even get a massage when your muscles are sore or go to the doctor when there is a problem. You constantly receive messages from this physical structure and do your best to accommodate those needs.

But what about the non-physical part of you?

Maybe you are aware of this subtle energy; perhaps you have a vague idea that some higher power runs through you and helps guide your life. The part that connects you to the Universe–the source of all things. The energy that animates the human body is the force of all existence. It doesn’t matter what you call it; it’s known by many names. This life force binds the soul to the body. Through this connection, you find purpose, joy, and healing. 

When your life force energy is high and flowing through you freely, you will experience good health and have energy. When your life force is low or blocked you may lack the energy you need to live a fulfilling life and can develop discomfort or dis-ease. 

More than 2000 years ago, it was believed that to maintain health, you must address the flow and balance of your life force energy.

Image by Noah Silliman

"Laurie is a wonderful reiki master. She has really taken the time to get to know me to understand what I needed. Her techniques are gentle and relaxing. I'm so glad I found her!"

The number one thing I hear is: “Something feels off. I don’t know what it is, but something is off.” Feeling off can cause:


- anxiety - sluggishness - brain fog - pain - restlessness - trouble sleeping - negative thinking - confusion - procrastination - lethargy - aches and pains - insecurities and fears, to name a few. 

These are all signs that something has negatively affected your energy system.

Reiki was designed to deal with these disruptions and bring the system back into harmony.

The Usui Method of Reiki was discovered in Japan in the early nineteen hundreds by a Buddhist monk named Mikao Usui. While in meditation, Usui was instructed on how to work directly with life force energy.  He called this energy Reiki, which means life force energy, the same power that creates and runs the Universe. 

Along with training, Reiki practitioners receive a series of attunements that acclimate their energy system to channel this pure life force energy through them and into the bodies of others. 

Channeling this energy into the body induces a relaxed state. This relaxed state activates the natural healing process known as rest and digest. Alone, rest and digest is a powerful healing phase. Pair that natural ability with a stream of pure life force energy and the skill of the Reiki practitioner to pinpoint the exact places that need attention, and you have a synergistic healing approach that can restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Although one session can be beneficial, long-term change happens through consistency and dedication. Like starting a workout program, you don’t lift weights once and have bulging muscles; your commitment to doing it consistently produces the desired results. Those willing to build a relationship with Reiki benefit most from Reiki therapy. The old saying goes, what you put in is what you get out. Committing to Reiki can teach you valuable skills to improve your quality of life.

Image by Noah Silliman

Reiki has so much to offer you – from simply inducing a relaxed state that activates your body's natural healing process to recharging, rebalancing, or recalibrating your entire energy system. 

Session Details

New Client Session

90 minutes


Follow-up Session

60 minutes


Follow-up Session

90 minutes


The first session includes an overall energy system evaluation, interpretation, reading, and corrections to the energy system.

Follow-up sessions can be used for maintenance, to work on a specific issue, or to go deeper into the system.

The 90-minute session is for those who want a little extra time. This extra time can be used to ask questions, for education, for personal or spiritual development, to learn and be attuned to Reiki, or to spend more time working on the energy system.

* Reiki Therapy sessions are offered in-person and distance.

Image by Noah Silliman

Frequently asked questions

Is Reiki like a Massage?​

Although both therapies use the hands as healing tools, that is where the similarity ends. Massage asks that you disrobe so the practitioner can use their hands to knead muscles, manipulate tissue, move lymphatic fluid, relieve physical tension, and alleviate stiffness. While massage can passively affect the subtle energy systems, the focus is usually on the body’s physical structure. In Reiki, you remain fully clothed at all times, and the practitioner uses a light laying of the hands to connect with your subtle energy systems so that they can make adjustments that will affect the mind, body, spirit, and emotion to create balance and restore well-being.

How is a Reiki Treatment Performed?

During a session, you will lay on a treatment table fully clothed, minus your shoes. You will have your eyes closed, the room will be dark, and relaxing music will play. Blankets and pillows will be provided for your comfort.

Most of the time, you will be on your back; occasionally, I may ask you to lie face down. We can adjust the table at an angle if you cannot lay flat. I will work with chakras, meridians, masculine/feminine energies, organ systems, neurological points, pressure points, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies, and some higher systems. I will start at your feet, doing a general assessment to see how everything is working. From there, you may feel me working above you or on the body. You will feel a hand held in place, gentle tapping, or light pressure as I move around your body, making adjustments, clearing stagnant energy, repairing communication issues, and providing new information to your energy systems. At times, I may use stones, tuning forks, or essential oils. If you have allergies to essential oils, please let me know at the beginning of the session. When complete, I will let you know what I found, and you can share your experience and ask questions.

What will I feel during my session?​

Reiki induces a deep meditative state, so it is common to feel heavy, as if you are sinking into the table, or light, like floating off the table, sometimes feeling both simultaneously.

Depending on your level of sensitivity, you may feel a lot or not much. Some of the most frequently felt sensations are tingling, pulsing, hot and cold in the area being worked on, and feeling like something is moving inside you. 

People have reported seeing swirling colors and bright white lights, having epiphany moments, past life recall, random swells of emotions, and an intense sense of being relaxed and completely present.

It is also possible to experience some discomfort when working in a damaged area, moving stuck energy, dealing with trauma, or encountering resistance from the energy system. The discomfort is usually mild and passes quickly, but we can always stop, move to a different spot, or talk about what is happening. The most common discomfort reported was feeling slightly nauseous, tightness in the throat, heaviness in the chest, and restless legs.

What if I don't feel anything?​

That’s ok; it’s still working.  Reiki works with subtle energies; not everyone feels a physical sensation when receiving a reiki treatment; some aren’t aware of what they are feeling, and some need a few sessions to acclimate to the new energy before they start to notice sensations. Your sensitivity level will dictate how much, if anything, you feel during a session. Some people feel everything, some don’t feel anything, but most are somewhere in the middle.

How do I prepare for my session?​

Take a few minutes to explore your intentions. What made you want to try Reiki? What are you hoping to gain from Reiki therapy? What do you feel is getting in your way? Get in touch with your motivations, fears, and expectations, then set the intention to show up and allow yourself to have whatever experience you have. Be open to new things and receptive to how it all plays out. 

What will I feel after my session?

After your session, your systems will continue healing for 24 hours. Each person is unique and may experience something different. Some feel rested and peaceful now that we have calmed the system down. Others feel tired and a little depleted, even having mild flu-like symptoms that pass quickly as toxins move through the system.

Some feel energetic and rejuvenated now that energy is flowing freely. Listening to your body and resting if you feel tired is important. Most people report mental calm and clarity, an ability to better deal with stress, and improvements in sleep. Since Reiki works on all levels, you may experience an emotional release, vivid dreams, or spontaneous memories.

*If you have any questions or concerns after your session, please text me, and we can address them.

How many sessions will I need?​

I wish I could tell you that one session will correct everything that is out of balance, but quick fixes don’t provide lasting effects. That’s not to say that one session won’t profoundly affect how you feel and give you some relief—it absolutely can! But it is through commitment and repetition that you see substantial progress. You didn't get where you are overnight; it has taken years, even decades, to create your imbalances. Think of it as working out or losing weight; you don’t lift weights once and have bulging muscles, or you eat healthy for one day and drop ten pounds. You start to see those muscles grow through dedication and repetition, and the numbers on the scale come down. It’s creating a new foundation, a healthier way to do things.  Each person is unique, and their progress will be based on many factors, so it is generally recommended to do it once a week for four weeks. In that time, we can do some house cleaning, make repairs to the energy systems, establish new patterns, and deal with what may be getting in the way.

Is a Reiki treatment the same as a Reiki attunement?​

No, they are two separate things. A Reiki treatment is where a trained Reiki practitioner channels life force energy into your body to clear debris, calm overactive areas, stimulate sluggish areas, move stuck energy, release traumas, and address trouble areas. A Reiki attunement is something that a trained Reiki Master/Teacher performs on students learning Reiki to acclimate their systems to receive and channel life force energy, along with passing energetic knowledge from teacher to student.

What are the benefits of Reiki therapy and how long does it take to see results?

Reiki activates the system's natural healing abilities and assists with cleaning out old debris, removing toxic energy, repairing dysfunction, healing energetic wounds, balancing systems, providing new beneficial information, and reestablishing healthy communication so you can function more efficiently. This brings peace and balance to the system and alleviates physical, mental, and spiritual discomforts. Each person is unique, and their progress will vary depending on many factors. It's typical to find better sleep, pain reduction, more focus, a calmer mind, and less reactivity within the first few sessions.  

What should I wear?​

You will lie on a treatment table for an hour, dress comfortably—yoga pants, sweatpants, and even pajama pants. Dress in a way that does not prevent you from relaxing. The more relaxed you are, the more productive the session will be.

Belts, jeans (because of the buttons at the waist), intricate shirts, large earrings, watches, and bulky jewelry can all get in your practitioner’s way and prevent them from being able to access a specific point. You will have your eyes closed, so it may be best to remove contacts; they may become dry and make it hard for you to relax.

The goal is comfort!

How can you do Reiki from a distance?

Since Reiki works with the non-physical parts of you it can be performed anywhere in the world. The practitioner only needs to connect to your energy system—think of it like dialing a phone number to establish communication. Once that connection is established, you can work within that system, and you don’t need to be present.

How is distance Reiki performed?

We start with a brief phone call to check-in. Then we disconnect, you lie down and maybe put on some calming music while I work on your energy system for about 40 minutes. We will end with a brief phone call to wrap things up.

Image by Noah Silliman

Have a question? Send me an email

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